と Rex Zhou


New York Green Taxi


This is a self project data analyzing on new york green taxi based on tips and trips etc. creteria. The data can be found at NYC Government Website.

Visualization Result interactive map application



Load Data

x = getURL('https://s3.amazonaws.com/nyc-tlc/trip+data/green_tripdata_2015-09.csv')
y = read.csv(text = x)
y = y[y$Fare_amount > 0, ]
## Dimenison of the data
rows = dim(y)[1]
cols = dim(y)[2]

Visual On Vriable Trip Distance

ggplot(data = y, aes(y$Trip_distance)) +
    breaks = seq(0, 600, by = 2),
    col = "black",
    fill = "cornflowerblue",
    alpha = .2
    ) + 
  labs(title = "Histogram for Trip Distance Overview (with extreme values)") +
  labs(x = "Trip Distance", y = "Count")

## Overview of outlier bin
out_num = sum(y$Trip_distance > 10)
extreme = max(y$Trip_distance)

## Histogram For the Trip Distance Variable
y %>%
  mutate(Trip_Distance = ifelse(y$Trip_distance > 10, 11, y$Trip_distance)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Trip_Distance)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = .1,
  col = "black",
  fill = c(rep("cornflowerblue", 110), "darkgreen")) +
  labs(title="Histogram for Trip Distance Neat View (without extreme distance spread") +
  labs(x="Trip Distance", y="Count")

** Trip_Distance vs. Time**

To take a look at relation between trip distance and time, we can first group the distance value by time

## Create columns of pick and dropoff hour, value contain factors with 24 levels
y$hour_pickup = as.factor(substr(y$lpep_pickup_datetime, 12, 13))
y$hour_dropoff = as.factor(substr(y$Lpep_dropoff_datetime, 12, 13))

## Mean Trip Distance Group By Hours
mean_pickup = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_pickup, y, mean)
mean_pickup$source = as.factor(3)
mean_pickup$hour_pickup = as.numeric(mean_pickup$hour_pickup)
colnames(mean_pickup)[1] = "hour"

mean_dropoff = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_dropoff, y, mean)
mean_dropoff$source = as.factor(4)
mean_dropoff$hour_dropoff = as.numeric(mean_dropoff$hour_dropoff)
colnames(mean_dropoff)[1] = "hour"

## Median Trip Distance Group By Hours
median_pickup = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_pickup, y, median)
median_pickup$source = as.factor(1)
median_pickup$hour_pickup = as.numeric(median_pickup$hour_pickup)
colnames(median_pickup)[1] = "hour"

median_dropoff = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_dropoff, y, median)
median_dropoff$source = as.factor(2)
median_dropoff$hour_dropoff = as.numeric(median_dropoff$hour_dropoff)
colnames(median_dropoff)[1] = "hour"

df = bind_rows(mean_pickup, median_pickup, mean_dropoff, median_dropoff)
ggplot(df, aes(hour, Trip_distance, colour=source)) +
  geom_line() + 
  labs(title="The Mean of Trip Distance vs. Hours") +
  labs(x="Hours", y="Trip Distance") + 

Trip vs. Airports

There are three airports locate at new york city area, JFK, LGA, and Newark. According to the data dictionary, we can determine if a trip was going to JFK and Newark by idenify the RateCodeID, where 2 is JFK and 3 is Newark. To find out trips that were going to LGA, I decided to figure out the location of the destination, since the dropoff longitude and latitude are given. We can easily find the boundary of longitude and latitude of LGA by going to this website

### JFK
jfk = y[y$RateCodeID == 2,]
mean_total_jfk = mean(jfk$Total_amount)
mean_fare_jfk = mean(jfk$Fare_amount)

### Newark
newark = y[y$RateCodeID == 3,]
mean_total_newark = mean(newark$Total_amount)
mean_fare_newark = mean(newark$Fare_amount)

### LGA
lga = y[y$Dropoff_longitude > -73.88 &
          y$Dropoff_longitude < -73.86  &
          y$Dropoff_latitude < 40.788 &
          y$Dropoff_latitude > 40.766 & y$RateCodeID != 2, ]
mean_total_lga = mean(lga$Total_amount)
mean_fare_lga = mean(lga$Fare_amount)

### Create a new dataframe of trips with destination as airports
airport = rbind(jfk, newark, lga)

count_airport = dim(airport)[1]
mean_total_airport = mean(airport$Total_amount)
mean_fare_airport = mean(airport$Fare_amount)

Overview of mean cost for each airport

  Mean Fare Mean Total
JFK r mean_fare_jfk r mean_total_jfk
Newark r mean_fare_newark r mean_total_newark
LGA r mean_fare_lga r mean_total_lga

To look more details about the airport trip, I decided to find out the trip relation with trip distance and time.

(Airport Trips with Time)

jfk_count = as.data.frame(table(jfk$hour_dropoff))
newark_count = as.data.frame(table(newark$hour_dropoff))
lga_count = as.data.frame(table(lga$hour_dropoff))
jfk_count$airport = as.factor('jfk')
newark_count$airport = as.factor('newark')
lga_count$airport = as.factor('lga')

df_airport = bind_rows(jfk_count, newark_count,lga_count)
df_airport$Var1 = as.numeric(df_airport$Var1)
ggplot(df_airport, aes(Var1, Freq, colour=airport)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(title="Number of Trips vs. Hours") +
  labs(x="Hours", y="Number of Trips")+

(Airport Trips with Time)

mean_dropoff_jfk = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_dropoff, jfk, mean)
mean_dropoff_newark = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_dropoff, newark, mean)
mean_dropoff_lga = aggregate(Trip_distance ~ hour_dropoff, lga, mean)

mean_dropoff_jfk$airport = 'jfk'
mean_dropoff_newark$airport = 'newark'
mean_dropoff_lga$airport = 'lga'
df_air_distance = bind_rows(mean_dropoff_jfk, mean_dropoff_newark, mean_dropoff_lga)
df_air_distance$airport = as.factor(df_air_distance$airport)
df_air_distance$hour_dropoff = as.numeric(df_air_distance$hour_dropoff)

ggplot(df_air_distance, aes(hour_dropoff, Trip_distance, colour=airport)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(title="Mean Trips Distance vs. Hours") +
  labs(x="Hours", y="Mean Trip Distance")+

** Tip Analysis**

First we create a derived variable tip ratio.

y$Tip_percentage = paste(round((y$Tip_amount / y$Total_amount) * 100, digits =
                            2), "%", sep = '')
y$Tip_ratio = y$Tip_amount / y$Total_amount
## Create a new dataframe that contain no factor variables. Thus we can try if there is a regression predictive model

nofactor = data.frame(RateCodeID = y$RateCodeID, Passenger_count = y$Passenger_count, Trip_distance = y$Trip_distance, Fare_amount =y$Fare_amount, Tip_amount = y$Tip_amount, Total_amoungt = y$Total_amount, Tip_ratio = y$Tip_ratio)
nofactor = nofactor[nofactor$Trip_distance > 11, ]
# generate a regression model with all features, and do statistical test to check model assumptions
all = lm(Tip_amount ~., data = nofactor)

## BIC: a method used to select variables
n = length(resid(all))
BIC <- step(all, direction = "backward", trace = 0, k = log(n))
plot(BIC, pch=20, cex=0.3, col='dodgerblue')

lmtest::bptest(BIC) #p-val:  2.2e-16
resid5000 = sample(resid(BIC), 5000)
shapiro.test(resid5000) #p-value: 2.2e-16

hat = hatvalues(BIC); hat_bar = mean(hat); i = which(hat > 2 * hat_bar)

n = which(abs(rstandard(BIC)) > 1)
index = which(cooks.distance(BIC) > 4 / length(cooks.distance(BIC)))

y1 = nofactor[-i,]
y2 = y1[-index,]
y3 = y2[-n,]
y3$Tip_amount = y3$Tip_amount + 0.01
all2 = lm(Tip_amount ~., data = y3)
plot(all2, pch=20, cex=0.3, col='dodgerblue')
trans = lm(log(Tip_amount) ~., data = y3)
plot(trans, pch=20, cex=0.3, col='dodgerblue')

Even though all non-factor variables are significant in regression model, it seems like it still handle a good result after cleaning and transformation.

1. Regression Model

get_best_result = function(caret_fit) {
  best_result = caret_fit$results[as.numeric(rownames(caret_fit$bestTune)), ]
  rownames(best_result) = NULL
rmse = function(actual, predicted) {
  sqrt(mean((actual - predicted) ^ 2))
calc_acc = function(actual, predicted) {
  mean(actual == predicted)
# test-train split
idx = createDataPartition(y3$Tip_ratio, p = 0.4, list = FALSE)
trn = y3[idx,]
tst = y3[-idx,]

In order to have a better understanding of the dataset and to find the most significant subset of predictors, we perform some visualization of the dataset.

histogram(trn$Tip_ratio, breaks = 20)

The following plots will explore the relationship of the feature variables with the response variable.

theme1 = trellis.par.get()
theme1$plot.symbol$col = rgb(.2, .2, .2, .4)
theme1$plot.symbol$pch = 16
theme1$plot.line$col = rgb(1, 0, 0, .7)
theme1$plot.line$lwd = 2


featurePlot(x = trn, 
            y = trn$Tip_ratio, 
            plot = "scatter",
            type = c("p", "smooth"),
            span = .5,
            layout = c(4, 1))
cv_5 = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5)
gbm_grid = expand.grid(interaction.depth = c(1, 2),
                       n.trees = c(500, 1000, 1500),
                       shrinkage = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1),
                       n.minobsinnode = 10)
gbm_tune = train(Tip_ratio ~ ., data = trn,
                 method = "gbm",
                 trControl = cv_5,
                 verbose = FALSE,
                 tuneGrid = gbm_grid,
                 preProcess = c("scale"))

result = summary(gbm_tune)
result[1:5, ]

The above information shows that Tip_amount, Fare_amount, Total_amoungt and Trip_distance are the best predictors. We will consider these 4 predictors for the following methods.

(Methods) For our data analysis, we will consider the following methods:

For each method we will consider different sets of features:

In particular, for int, we fit the linear regression model with all interactions between Tip_amount, Fare_amount, Total_amoungt and Trip_distance to obtain the significant interactions.

# glmnet + small
glmn_small = train(Tip_ratio ~ Tip_amount+Fare_amount+Total_amoungt+Trip_distance, 
                   data = trn, 
                   method = "glmnet", 
                   trControl = cv_5, 
                   tuneLength = 10)

# glmnet + int
glmn_int = train(Tip_ratio ~ (Tip_amount + Fare_amount + Total_amoungt + Trip_distance)^2,
                   data = trn, 
                   method = "glmnet", 
                   trControl = cv_5, 
                   tuneLength = 10)

# glmnet + full
glmn_full = train(Tip_ratio ~ ., data = trn, method = "glmnet", 
                   trControl = cv_5, tuneLength = 10)

# glmnet + huge
glmn_huge  = train(Tip_ratio ~ . ^ 2, data = trn, method = "glmnet", 
                   trControl = cv_5, tuneLength = 10)

# cv train rmse
glmn_small_trn_rmse = get_best_result(glmn_small)$RMSE
glmn_int_trn_rmse = get_best_result(glmn_int)$RMSE
glmn_full_trn_rmse = get_best_result(glmn_full)$RMSE
glmn_huge_trn_rmse = get_best_result(glmn_huge)$RMSE

# test rmse
glmn_small_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(glmn_small, tst))
glmn_int_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(glmn_int, tst))
glmn_full_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(glmn_full, tst))
glmn_huge_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(glmn_huge, tst))

Trees (Random forest)

Tree is a non-linear, non-parametric, discriminative method. There are some ensemble methods of trees including bagging, random forest and boosting. Here we use the ensemble method of random forest. The tuning parameter is mtry in this case.

For this method, we only consider the sets of features small and int, as the other two sets of features full and huge contain a large number of variables and are not computationally efficient with random forest.

# random forest grid
rf_grid = expand.grid(mtry = c(1, 2, 3, 4))

# rf + small
rf_small = train(Tip_ratio ~ Tip_amount+Fare_amount+Total_amoungt+Trip_distance,
                 data = trn, trControl = cv_5,
                 method = "rf", tuneGrid = rf_grid)

# rf + int
rf_int = train(Tip_ratio ~ (Tip_amount+Fare_amount+Total_amoungt+Trip_distance)^2,
               data = trn, trControl = cv_5, method = "rf", tuneGrid = rf_grid)

# cv train rmse
rf_small_trn_rmse = get_best_result(rf_small)$RMSE
rf_int_trn_rmse = get_best_result(rf_int)$RMSE

# test rmse
rf_small_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(rf_small, tst))
rf_int_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(rf_int, tst))

Generalized Additive Models (GAMs)

GAMs is a non-linear, parametric, generative method. The tuning parameter is degrees of freedom (df).

For this method, we only consider sets of features small and full. We don’t consider any interaction among features.

# GAM grid
gam_grid = expand.grid(df = 1:10)

# GAM + small
gam_small = train(Tip_ratio ~ Tip_amount+Fare_amount+Total_amoungt+Trip_distance, 
                  data = trn, trControl = cv_5, 
                  method = "gamSpline", tuneGrid = gam_grid)

# GAM + full
gam_full = train(Tip_ratio ~ ., data = trn, trControl = cv_5, 
                  method = "gamSpline", tuneGrid = gam_grid)

# cv train rmse
gam_small_trn_rmse = get_best_result(gam_small)$RMSE
gam_full_trn_rmse = get_best_result(gam_full)$RMSE

# test rmse
gam_small_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(gam_small, tst))
gam_full_tst_rmse = rmse(tst$Tip_ratio, predict(gam_full, tst))
GAM Full Model r gam_full_trn_rmse r gam_full_tst_rmse
Elastic Full Model r glmn_full_trn_rmse r glmn_full_tst_rmse
Elastic Huge Model r glmn_huge_trn_rmse r glmn_huge_tst_rmse
Elastic Small Model r glmn_small_trn_rmse r glmn_small_tst_rmse
Elastic Interact Model r glmn_int_trn_rmse r glmn_int_tst_rmse
GAM Small Model r gam_small_trn_rmse r gam_small_tst_rmse
Random Forest Interact Model r rf_int_trn_rmse r rf_int_tst_rmse
Random Forest Small Model r rf_small_trn_rmse r rf_small_tst_rmse

As we can see, Random Forest Small model performs the best among all the models we consider, since it has the largest $R^2$ and the lowest $rmse$.


Features perspective

As we can see from results, generally we can see that small model contain significant variables outperforms other models with all of features. That is, when we consider significant features in the dataset, instead of the whole features we observe from the plots, the model will perform better with respect to predictions.

This actually makes sense if we go back to check the feature plot. From the feature plot, actually part of variables somehow contribute to the response variable Tip_ratio, that is, the red lines in the plot are not flat.

2. Classification

During the classificstion modeling, I am looking for, upon which conditions, passengers would give a tip.

class = y
class$Tip_ratio = as.factor(ifelse(class$Tip_ratio == 0, "None",ifelse(class$Tip_ratio < 0.16, "Normal", "High")))
class = class[, -c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,16,17,18,22,24)]
class$hour_dropoff = as.numeric(class$hour_dropoff)

cls_idx = sample(1:nrow(class), 20000)
cls_trn = class[cls_idx,]
cls_tst = class[-cls_idx,]

Visual on classification

featurePlot(x = cls_trn[,c(1,2,8)], 
            y = cls_trn$Tip_ratio,
            plot = "density", 
            scales = list(x = list(relation = "free"), 
                          y = list(relation = "free")), 
            adjust = 1.5, 
            pch = "|", 
            layout = c(2, 1), 
            auto.key = list(columns = 2))


For our data analysis, we will consider the following methods:

For each method we will consider the same set of features


cls_lda = lda(Tip_ratio ~ ., data = cls_trn)
cls_lda_trn_pred = predict(cls_lda, cls_trn)$class
cls_lda_tst_pred = predict(cls_lda, cls_tst)$class
lda_acc = calc_acc(predicted = cls_lda_tst_pred, actual = cls_tst$Tip_ratio)


cls_nb = naiveBayes(Tip_ratio ~ ., data = cls_trn)
cls_nb_tst_pred = predict(cls_nb, cls_tst)
nb_acc = calc_acc(predicted = cls_nb_tst_pred, actual = cls_tst$Tip_ratio)


X_trn = cls_trn[, -c(10,11)]
y_trn = cls_trn$Tip_ratio

# testing data
X_tst = cls_tst[, -c(10,11)]
y_tst = cls_tst$Tip_ratio

knn_pred = class::knn(train = scale(X_trn), 
                test  = scale(X_tst),
                cl    = y_trn,
                k     = 10,
                prob  = TRUE)
knn_acc = calc_acc(predicted = knn_pred, actual = y_tst)
LDA Model r lda_acc
NB Model r nb_acc
KNN Model r knn_acc

As we can see, with the highest accuracy among all, KNN model performs the best among all the models we consided, and we could predict whether tip ratio lying in the area of None, Normal or High by looking through featurs on longitude, latitude, Passenger_count, Trip_distance, Fare-amount, Payment_type, and Total_amount.

#5. Visualization on NYC Green Taxi

For the visualization part, I built a shiny interactive map application where points states the drop location at New York City, and colored by tip ratios.

## Since the datasets is too large, and it would be take overall 2.9GB to visualize whole datasets, so I random sampled 10000 observations and visualize them on a map.
data = y
data = data[,c("longitude", "latitude", "hour_dropoff", "Total_amount","Passenger_count","Trip_distance"
               , "Trip_type", "Payment_type", "Tip_ratio", "Tip_amount")]
data = data[data$longitude < 0 & data$latitude > 0,]
sample_row = sample(nrow(data), 10000, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
data = data[sample_row,]
data$hour_dropoff = as.numeric(data$hour_dropoff)

header <- dashboardHeader(
  title = "NYC Green Cab"
# create the body
body <- dashboardBody(
    column(width = 6,
           box(width = NULL, solidHeader = TRUE,
               leafletOutput("map", height = 500)
    # create sliders
             column(6,h5("Demo visualization of New York Green Cab pickups on September 2, 2015."))
             column(6,sliderInput("range_passenger",label = "Passengers",
                                  value = range(data$Passenger_count), 
                                  min = min(data$Passenger_count), 
                                  max = max(data$Passenger_count), 
                                  step = 1))
             column(6,sliderInput("range_fare",label = "Fare Amount",
                                  value = range(data$Total_amount), 
                                  min = min(data$Total_amount), 
                                  max = max(data$Total_amount), 
                                  pre = '$'))
             column(6,sliderInput("range_distance",label = "Distance",
                                  value = range(data$Trip_distance), 
                                  min = min(data$Trip_distance), 
                                  max = max(data$Trip_distance), 
                                  post = 'miles'))
             column(6,sliderInput("range_hour",label = "Hour past midnight",
                                  value = min(data$hour_dropoff), 
                                  min = min(data$hour_dropoff), 
                                  max = max(data$hour_dropoff),
                                  animate = TRUE,
                                  step = 1))
             column(3,checkboxGroupInput("Payment_type",label = "Payment Mode",
                                         choices = list("Credit Card"=1, "Cash"=2),
                                         selected = c(1,2))),
             column(3,checkboxGroupInput("Trip_type",label = "Trip Type",
                                         choices = list("Street-Hail"=1, "Dispatch"=2),
                                         selected = c(1,2)))

# Put together all UI constructors
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE),

# build the server
server <- function(input, output) {
  # filter data based on sliderInputs values
  filteredData <- reactive({
    subset(data,Passenger_count>=input$range_passenger[1] & Passenger_count<=input$range_passenger[2] & 
             Total_amount>=input$range_fare[1] & Total_amount<=input$range_fare[2] & 
             Trip_distance>=input$range_distance[1] & Trip_distance<=input$range_distance[2] &
             hour_dropoff==input$range_hour & Payment_type %in% input$Payment_type & 
             Trip_type %in% input$Trip_type)
  # create color palette. We will color by tippercentage
  colorpalette <- reactive({
  # generate the map
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet(data) %>%
      addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(opacity = .5)) %>% 
      setView(-73.9, 40.7, zoom = 10) #%>%

  # generate an observer object that will overlay circles whenever there is an update on the slider
    pal <- colorpalette()
    leafletProxy("map", data=filteredData()) %>% 
      clearShapes() %>% 
      addCircles(radius = 200, weight = 1, color = "#b7b7b7", fillColor = ~pal(Tip_ratio),
                 fillOpacity = 0.7, popup = ~paste(Tip_amount)) %>% 
      clearControls() %>%
      addLegend(position = "bottomleft",pal = pal, values = ~Tip_ratio, opacity = 0.7, title = 'Tip (%)')

# run the application